The Kinship Care program at Family Services of NW PA facilitates the placement of children in the custody of a County Children and Youth agency into the home of a relative or other significant adult. The program also provides ongoing supervision of the placement. All referrals must come from a County Children and Youth agency.

kinship care services

Who can be a Kinship Care provider?

Pennsylvania's definition of kin includes existing relationships with a child that meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • Relative through blood, marriage (affinity) or adoption;
  • Godparent as recognized by an organized church;
  • Member of the child's Indian tribe, nation or clan;
  • Individual with a significant, positive relationship with the child or family (can include a teacher, neighbor, current or former resource parent, etc.)

How do I become a Kinship Care Provider?

The Kinship Care program is available by referral only. Referrals must be made by:

  • Erie County Office of Children and Youth (OCY)
  • Crawford County Children and Youth Services (CYS)

To learn more about Kinship Care Services at Family Services of NW PA, check out the video below.

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