Family Services of NWPA is committed to providing services consistent with our mission to strengthen families and transform lives.

Individuals and families have certain rights and responsibilities while involved with Family Services of NWPA. A designated guardian or legal representative may serve to represent if an individual is not able to exercise these rights on his or her own behalf.

Client Rights

  • The right to be treated with fairness, dignity, and respect by all Family Services' of NWPA staff and volunteers.
  • The right to agency services based on individual/family need and service availability. If the appropriate service is not available, the individual/family may expect to be informed of service options and may be put on a waiting list or referred elsewhere.
  • The right to consent to or refuse services, unless the rights have been eliminated by law or court order, and to be informed of the potential consequences of such refusal.
  • The right to information in a manner that the individual and/or family can understand that allows for an informed choice about the use of services, including the range of services available, along with the possible benefits and potential risks of proposed services.
  • The right to confidentiality in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws except where such laws require mandated reporting.
  • The right to have his or her identity protected in any published reports or other forms of social media as a result of participation in services.
  • The right to withdraw consent to treatment at any time. If the consenting individual is age 14 to 18, Act. 147 (Consent to Mental Health Treatment in Pennsylvania) will apply and will be explained in relation to consenting to or withdrawing consent to treatment.
  • The right to participate in the development and review of the treatment plan and to be informed of the expectations of all parties involved in the implementation of the plan.
  • The right to not be abused, mistreated, threatened, or harassed. No staff member may physically restrain a client, even during physical confrontations. If a situation is serious enough, Crisis Services or the local police may be contacted.
  • The right to access individual records for the purpose of review, correction, or addition.
  • The right to not be photographed, filed, or taped without the informed written consent of the individual, guardian or legal representative.
  • The right to interpretive services, including an interpreter during services, if the individual is hearing impaired or has limited English proficiency.
  • The right to file a grievance if dissatisfied with services. Family Services of NWPA welcomes recommendations and feedback. A copy of the grievance procedures is provided to individuals and families during the initial visit.
  • The right to be free from discrimination for any reason, including race, color, religious beliefs, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, age, disability, or veteran status. Anyone who believes he/she has been discriminated against has a right to file a complaint of discrimination with:
    • Gregory Loop, President & CEO
      Family Services of NWPA
      5100 Peach Street
      Erie, PA 16509
    • Office of Civil Rights
      U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services
      Region III
      PO Box 13716
      Philadelphia, PA 19101
    • Bureau of Civil Rights Compliance
      Department of Public Welfare
      Western Field Office
      Room 702 State Office Building
      300 Liberty Avenue
      Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Client Responsibilities

  • Individuals and families served by Family Services of NWPA have the following responsibilities:
  • To consent to actively participate in treatment and discharge planning.
  • To provide complete and accurate information in order to allow for the most appropriate and effective services.
  • To let staff know they understand a planned course of treatment and what the expectations are.
  • To ask questions if something is not understandable.
  • To attend services as scheduled, canceling within a desired time frame, preferably 24 hours in advance, to allow for use of the scheduled appointment by another individual.
  • To fulfill any and all financial obligations, if applicable, in a timely fashion.
  • Individuals and families receiving services through Family Services of NWPA will maintain these rights and responsibilities throughout the length of services, and will be directly notified should any changes be made that would affect such rights and responsibilities.